Friday, September 18, 2009

Good Fats For Weight Loss

Good Fats for Weight Loss
* Avocado: improves insulin function
* Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Burns brown fat
* Grass Fed Beef: improves LDL Profile
* EPA/DHA Oil: lowers cortisol
* Macadamia nuts: slow gastric emptying

New research points to the critical role mono and polyunsaturated fats play in weight control and maintaining weight loss

These are the best fats to eat for weight loss and sustained weight control.

Not only Is avocado high in weight loss friendly monounsaturated fats, it also has a double whammy. Avocado contains a unique starch known as mannoheptulose. Mannoheptulose has been demonstrated to inhibit insulin secretion, a plus for people with insulin resistance, which is an underlying cause of metabolic syndrome, which affects over 40% of the US population.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil:
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is perhaps the king of the healthy fats. Extra virgin olive oil has been demonstrated to increase the rate of fat oxidation (fat burning) after ingestion. Extra virgin olive oil has also been demonstrated to act as a potent ant-oxidant, lowering inflammation, which aids blood sugar metabolism. To top it all off, extra virgin olive has been demonstrated to burn brown fat by increasing.

Grass Fed Beef:
Think for a minute about how you would look and what your health would be like if you lived on a diet of grass versus a diet of enriched corn meal?

Now imagine how such drastically different diets affect cows. Research demonstrates conclusively that grass fed beef has dramatically different effects on HDL/LDL ratio’s and omega 3/6 ratios when consumed by humans.

Grass fed beef has been shown to improve blood lipid profiles, which means it promotes cardiovascular health. Grass fed beef is a favorite weight loss food because it promotes fullness and satiety while also improving your health.

EPA and DHA are made from omega 3 and omega 6 fats. EPA and DHA have been demonstrated in numerous studies to have profound effects over inflammation, cortisol control, mood and hormone balance.

EPA and DHA are on the list of essential weight loss fats because they aid in balancing key hormones such as cortisol and insulin that exert tremendous control over your weight.

Best Proteins for Weight Loss

Proteins for weight loss
• Whey Concentrate improves blood sugar metabolism
• 1 whole egg can increase fat burning
• Egg Whites burn more calories via digestive action
• Turkey helps you sleep better which promotes weight loss
• Grass fed beef improves cholesterol
• Fish is an excellent lean protein

The following proteins will supercharge your weight loss. Many have unique properties that aid weight control and how your metabolism food.

Whey Concentrate:
Whey concentrate has several unique properties that aid weight loss and weight control. Whey concentrate is high in cysteine, which promotes production of glutathione, and thus aids the body to combat oxidative stress and inflammation. Oxidative stress and inflammation have been show to promote weight gain by damaging sugar metabolism. Whey concentrate has also been shown to improve insulin function. Whey concentrate is also your best friend against stress eating. The high lactalbumin content of whey affects of tryptophan to Neutral Amino Acids - a fancy way of saying it boosts serotonin.

Make sure your whey concentrate is tested to be what is known as WPC 80 - for eighty percent whey by volume, otherwise you are getting mostly lactose, i.e., milk sugar.

Whole Egg
Most of us think eggs are full of fat and thus make you fat. This is partially correct. Eggs have a lot of fat, but eaten in isolation, 1 whole egg at a time, whole eggs can be one of your best weight loss foods. Eaten in isolation, 1 whole egg serves to increase production of the hormone glucagons, which functions to increase blood sugar and in the process increases your fat burning.

Egg Whites
Egg whites have several characteristics that promote weight loss. First, egg whites are extremely hard to digest. Your body expends a lot of energy to digest egg whites so they aid you to burn more calories. Second, egg whites, when eaten without carbs, force your body to secrete more glucagons, which promotes fat loss.

Turkey is an excellent protein for weight loss. When eaten at dinner, turkey promotes the release of tryptophan, which aids sleep. Over and over, individuals with weight loss and weight gain problems often have sleep problems. You can use turkey strategically to aid sleep which will help you to lose weight.
Grass Fed Beef
Grass fed beef is one of your best weight loss foods. Not only has it been shown to improve cholesterol ratios which aid blood sugar metabolism to help keep you lean, it is also very filling and aids satiety and hunger.

Fish is an excellent protein for weight loss because it is very lean and has an excellent ratio of good fats. Fish should be a staple of any weight control or weight loss program.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chewing can be helpful in Weight Loss

I have found this with my own experience. This, I tell is really going to be of great help if you intend to loose some weight. Do you wolf your food down? If you want to be lean and fit for life you might want to consider the relationship between chewing and weight control or weight loss. While most weight management or dietary programs focus on what to eat, little if any attention is given to HOW TO EAT.

What you will see in this article is a practical strategy you can implement right now to lose weight and be lean and fit for life. Simply by chewing your food longer, until it is basically a liquid in your mouth, you do three things that help your weight loss, health and longevity. The first is that you will eat less. The second is that you will digest and assimilate nutrients more effectively; the third is that you will mitigate toxins and allergies from food, which are important to longevity and weight loss.

Chewing and Food Intake
Recent studies from Oita Medical School in Japan show a direct relationship between chewing speed and the release of histamine from the brain. Chewing slower and longer causes the brain to release histamine, resulting in decreased food intake.

The speed at which you chew sends signals to your brain that control how much you eat.

Further, hormones such as leptin, ghrelin and cholestokinnen that are involved in the sensation of fullness, do not reach peak expression until 20 to 40 minutes after food is ingested. Chewing longer allows these hormones to work for you. You get the same sense of fullness on less food because you are giving these hormones time to work. Many speed eaters literally chew and swallow faster than their bodies natural satiety signaling can keep up with. If you want to lose weight but you wolf your food down, you are shooting yourself in the foot.

There is a direct relationship between chewing and weight loss. Simply put, the more you chew, and the more slowly you chew, the less you eat. The less you eat at any given meal, the more weight loss.

Chewing and Digestion and Absorption
Eating the right foods gets you nowhere if you don’t absorb them. Worse, eating the right foods takes you backwards if they putrefy into toxins.

Eating the right food is important, but eating the right food and properly digesting it is essential for life long weight loss.

Digestion begins in the mouth. Specifically, saliva contains a fat metabolizing enzyme called lingual lipase. Before any fat you ingest even hits your stomach, it begins breaking down in your mouth via the action of lingual lipase.

As you can guess, the key issue here is how long you chew your food. This is important for 2 reasons. The first reason is that the more your chew, the more surface area of the food in your mouth comes in contact with lingual lipase. The second is reason is due to allergies. The more undigested food you have in your stomach the more prone you are to getting food allergies. Food allergies hamper your weight loss and longevity. Your mouth has a similar action for carbohydrates. Your saliva contains an enzyme called salivary amylase. Salivary amylase works to break down carbs into simpler sugars.

The most basic rule of thumb if you want to see the greatest absorption of the good foods you are eating to lose weight is more chews equals better digestion and absorption. The reason this matters is simply that undigested and unabsorbed food sitting in your stomach and small intestine tends to putrefy and cause allergic and inflammatory reactions. Take protein for example. Proteins tend to be difficult for the body to break down. There are many examples of proteins that are semi soft such as sushi, eggs, and yogurt, really tender fish, which often are mostly swallowed without chewing. What happens is these proteins have major portions of their mass that sit in your stomach and literally rot and putrefy. Many people are allergic to eggs primarily because they do not adequately chew them

Many people who have a difficult time with weight loss have a difficult time with digestion and food allergies. Lack of adequate chewing is a principle reason why.

If you want the greatest weight loss in the short term, and to lose weight and keep it off for a lifetime, you not only have to eat the right foods, but you have to absorb them correctly. The single most important thing you can do is to chew your food until it is basically a liquid in your mouth. By doing this you will eat less, absorb more and keep your physiology young longer by virtue of creating fewer toxins from digestion.