Monday, April 26, 2010

Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention - Allergies

Allergy Causes: Our immune system contains two types of lymphocytes (B-cells and T-cells) that protect our body from any external attack. On recognition of a foreign substance, B-cell converts itself into a plasma cell and starts producing antibodies to destroy the foreign particles/substances. The plasma cell produces five basic antibodies which are: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and IgM (these antibodies are called Immunoglobulin i.e. Ig to destroy the foreign substance and antibodies produced by it. Among the antibodies produced by the plasma cell, the antibody that causes allergic reaction is IgE. These IgE antibodies attach themselves to mast cells and basophils that produce anti-infection substance histamine. The IgE antibodies recognizes the foreign harmful substance and reacts with the protein markers attached to these harmful substances causing a chain reaction and destruction of the harmful substance. The above mentioned mechanism of foreign harmful substance destruction works perfectly fine in a normal person. But in case of a person suffering from allergy for a particular substance, the lymphocytes fail to recognize a foreign harmless particle leading to the production of IgE antibodies in very large quantities. Theses IgE antibodies attach themselves to the basophils and mast-cells. As this causing substance comes into contact, the IgE antibodies cause destruction of mast-cells and basophils leading to excessive secretion of histamine (which is released in blood by the destroyed basophils and mast-cells) in body.

Allergy symptoms: The above mentioned situation leads to the blood vessel expansion causing low blood pressure in the person. At times, the low blood pressure is almost negligible, but in many cases, it becomes major. Along with low blood pressure, the person may also witness symptoms like sneezing, diarrhea, wheezing, itching of entire body or a particular organ, skin reaction such as rashes, irritation and skin inflammation, swelling of a particular organ and queasiness etc.

Allergy Treatment: Even if your allergist can tell you that you are allergic to some substance, no diagnostic test can be 100% sure about the substance you are allergic to. Allergists use combination of various tests to confirm an allergy causing substance. Scratch/Patch Test (In this test, a solution of possible this causing substance and water is applied on skin of the person and the skin surface is scratched with the help of a needle. If the person is allergic to the substance, then his/her body will develop any of the (symptoms), Elimination Diet/Food Challenge Test and Blood Test are the most commonly used diagnostic tests. Along with the above tests, allergist may also consult your personal and medical history, your physical condition etc. in diagnosis of allergy.

1 comment:

  1. symptoms,Treatment and prevention of Allergies is a bit too technical
